Oberdorfer Centrifugal pumps are of the single stage and end suction. Models use open vane style and enclosed style impellers. Centrifugals convert driver energy to kinetic energy in a liquid by accelerating it to the outer rim of a revolving impeller. Since the amount of energy given to the liquid corresponds to the velocity at the impeller vane tip, the faster the impeller revolves (or the bigger the impeller is), the higher the velocity of the liquid at the vane tip and the greater the energy transferred to the liquid. In comparison to positive displacement devices, centrifugals are quieter and require no relief valve to protect the pumps from pressure build-up.
These pumps contain few moving parts resulting in less wear and less maintenance. Our centrifugal family models are constructed out of bronze, which is ideal in marine applications and for handling harsh solvents. Our centrifugal pumps provide up to 20 feet of suction lift and can handle most difficult solvents with the proper fluoroelastomer or Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) seal. Several of our centrifugal models are self-priming.
Medium Flow (199 LPM – 378 LPM)

Centrifugal Pump – 109MB
Oberdorfer™ centrifugal pumps have a single rotating metal impeller. Liquid enters at the center and is thrown outward radially by centrifugal force. The impeller is not in contact with other pump parts resulting in quiet, efficient, pumping action. The flow produced is not positive which permits the discharge line to be shut off completely without danger of overloading motors or bursting lines. Consequently a relief valve is not required. The liquid flow varies directly as the pump speed—the higher the speed the greater the flow. Horsepower required varies directly as flow and pressure. Maximum horsepower is required with a wide open discharge line. This is the point of maximum flow. With a throttled discharge, the flow decreases at a greater rate than the pressure increases thereby requiring less horsepower at the higher pressures. This is known as an “unloading” feature of the pump.
- Rugged Bronze Construction
- A Standard in the Marine Air Conditioning Industry
- Extremely Quiet Operation
- O-Ring Housing seal eliminates gasket problems
- Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) Barrier Seal to protect motor bearings
- Handles Contaminated Liquids
- Discharge port orientation flexibility-8 positions
- Mechanical Seal – Carbon/Ceramic, Nitrile – standard, Fluoroelastomer (S10) optional, Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE)(S11) optional
- Pump Heads mount to standard footed Nema 56J Jet Pump Motors
- Shafts: 416 Stainless, Nickel Alloy, or 316 Passivated Stainless
- Multiple motor options available
- For Industrial Version – see Model 700 series
- Max Flow: 75 GPM – 283.91 LPM
- Max Pressure: 20 PSI – 1.38 bar
This close-coupled pump uses a standard NEMA C-Flange Jet Pump Motor with weld-on base and threaded shaft end to accept the pump impeller. Single phase motors are nonreversible and are wired for the proper pump rotation which is counter-clockwise looking at the inlet end of the pump. (See the dimensional drawing.) Three phase motors must be checked out for proper rotation when the pump is installed. Interchanging of any 2 wires in a 3-phase system will reverse motor rotation.
The special pump alloys used provide corrosion resistance to many liquids including water, water solutions, and a wide range of commercial chemicals. Questions as to the chemical compatibility of special liquids should be referred to the factory.
The pump uses a mechanical type shaft seal with a Nitrile rubber element. It is suitable for water, oils, and some mild solvents and it is limited to 212°F and 75 P.S.I. Fluoroelastomer (S10) seals and Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) (S11) seals are available for severe solvents and difficult chemicals.
Viscous liquids with a maximum viscosity of 2000 Saybolt Seconds Universal can be pumped. However, when pumping viscous liquids as compared with water, a reduction in flow and pressure occurs and the required horsepower rate increases.
Liquids heavier than water require additional horsepower in direct proportion to the increase in specific gravity. Liquids contaminated with small solids or abrasives can be handled, but a reduction in mechanical seal life must be expected.
These centrifugal pumps are not self-priming. They must be installed below the liquid level so that the liquid flows to the pump by gravity (flooded suction). However, if a foot valve is used at the beginning of the suction line and all air is bled from the pump by manual priming, the pump will lift on the suction side up to 15 feet. Such a system relies entirely on a non-leaking foot valve for starting capability.

Centrifugal Pump – 700
This close coupled centrifugal pump uses a mechanical type shaft seal with a Nitrile rubber element. It is suitable for water, oils, and some mild solvents. It is limited to 212o F. fluoroelastomer seals and polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) seals are available for severe solvents, difficult chemicals, and elevated temperatures. The impeller is attached directly to the motor shaft. This pump can handle small impurities in the liquid. The flow of a centrifugal pump can be conveniently controlled by a throttling valve in the discharge line without the need for a relief valve. In centrifugal pumps, the horsepower demand will decrease as the pressure increases. Maximum horsepower occurs with a wide open discharge.
- Rugged bronze Construction
- Quiet Operation
- O-Ring housing seal eliminates gasket problems
- Wide Hydraulic Range – Four Impeller sizes
- Handles contaminated liquids
- Discharge port orientation flexibility – 8 positions
- Mechanical Seal – Carbon/Ceramic- Nitrile – standard, fluoroelastomer (S10) optional. polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) (S11) optional
- Pump heads mount to standard footed NEMA 56J jet Pump Motors
- Shafts: 416 Stainless
- Multiple motor options available
- For marine version of Model 700B – see Model 109MB
- For pedestal style version of Model 700D, see Model 70P
- Max Flow: 95 GPM – 359.61 LPM
- Max Pressure: 32 PSI – 2.2 bar
This close-coupled pump uses a standard NEMA C-Flange Jet Pump Motor with weld-on base and threaded shaft end to accept the pump impeller. Single phase motors are non-reversible and are wired for the proper pump rotation which is counter-clockwise looking at the inlet end of the pump. (See the dimensional drawing.) Three phase motors must be checked out for proper rotation when the pump is installed. Interchanging of any 2 wires in a 3-phase system will reverse motor rotation.
The special pump alloys used provide corrosion resistance to many liquids including water, water solutions, and a wide range of commercial chemicals. Questions as to the chemical compatibility of special liquids should be referred to the factory.
The pump uses a mechanical type shaft seal with a Nitrile rubber element. It is suitable for water, oils, and some mild solvents and it is limited to 212°F and 75 P.S.I. fluoroelastomerseals and Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) seals are available for severe solvents and difficult chemicals.
Viscous liquids with a maximum viscosity of 2000 Saybolt Seconds Universal can be pumped. However, when pumping viscous liquids as compared with water, a reduction in flow and pressure occurs and the required horsepower rate increases. Liquids heavier than water require additional horsepower in direct proportion to the increase in specific gravity. Liquids contaminated with small solids or abrasives can be handled, but a reduction in mechanical seal life must be expected.
These centrifugal pumps are not self-priming. They must be installed below the liquid level so that the liquid flows to the pump by gravity (flooded suction). However, if a foot valve is used at the beginning of the suction line and all air is bled from the pump by manual priming, the pump will lift on the suction side up to 15 feet. Such a system relies entirely on a non-leaking foot valve for starting capability.

Centrifugal Pump – 800B
Oberdorfer™ centrifugal pumps have a single rotating metal impeller. Liquid enters at the center and is thrown outward radically by centrifugal force. The impeller is not in contact with other pump parts resulting in quiet, efficient, pumping action. The flow produced is not positive which permits the discharge line to be shut off completely without danger of overloading motors or bursting lines. Consequently a relief valve is not required. The liquid flow varies directly as the pump speed-the higher the speed the greater the flow. Horsepower required varies directly as flow and pressure. Maximum horsepower is required with a wide open discharge line. This is the point of maximum flow. With a throttled discharge, the flow decreased at a greater rate than the pressure increases thereby requiring less horsepower at the higher pressures. This is known as an “unloading” feature of the pump. Silent, efficient, centrifugal pumping is ideal for convenient equipment location in offices, laboratories, public areas, and living quarters. Long trouble-free service life has made centrifugal pumps acceptable for industrial uses or wherever clean or contaminated liquid is to be transferred or handled. The 800B centrifugal pump has external ball bearings isolated from the liquid being pumped. The ball bearings are grease sealed for life requiring no maintenance.
- Bronze Construction
- Heavy Duty Ball Bearings
- Designed for Pulley Drive
- Mechanical Seal
- Quiet Operation
- Handles Contaminated Liquids
- No Lubrication Required
- Closed Impeller – High Discharge Pressure
- Max Flow: 70 GPM – 265 LPM
- Max Pressure: 90 PSI – 6.2 bar
The pedestal centrifugal pumps can be direct driven by electric motors and gasoline engines or pulley driven at intermediate speeds as listed in the capacity chart above.
Because centrifugal pumps are more efficient at higher shaft speeds, pumping of viscous or thick liquids is difficult. It is possible to lose as much as 40% pump performance when attempting to pump liquids of viscosity equal to S.A.E. 30 oil at room temperature. S.A.E. 30 oil at room temperature has a viscosity of 2000 Saybolt Seconds Universal. More viscous liquids are not recommended for centrifugal pumps. Heavy liquids can be pumped; however, they demand more horsepower in direct ratio to the weight of water. For example, carbon tetrachloride has a specific gravity of 1.6 which means it is 1.6 times heavier than water and the horsepower required is 1.6 times water horsepower.
This centrifugal pump is not self priming. Normally these pumps must be installed below the liquid level so that the liquid flows to the pump by gravity. However, if a foot valve is used at the beginning of the suction line and all air is bled from the suction line and pump by careful manual priming, these pumps will lift liquid on the suction side up to 15 feet. Such a system is only as positive as the ability of the foot valve to seal and keep the suction line and pump full of liquid. If the foot valve should leak, the pump will not prime.

Centrifugal Pump – 81PB
Oberdorfer™ centrifugal pumps have a single rotating metal impeller. Liquid enters at the center and is thrown outward radically by centrifugal force. The impeller is not in contact with other pump parts resulting in quiet, efficient, pumping action. The flow produced is not positive which permits the discharge line to be shut off completely without danger of overloading motors or bursting lines. Consequently a relief valve is not required.
The liquid flow varies directly as the pump speed–the higher the speed the greater the flow. Horsepower required varies directly as flow and pressure. Maximum horsepower is required with a wide open discharge line. This is the point of maximum flow. With a throttled discharge, the flow decreases at a greater rate than the pressure increases thereby requiring less horsepower at the higher pressures. This is known as an “unloading” feature of the pump.
Silent, efficient, centrifugal pumping is ideal for convenient equipment location in offices, laboratories, public areas, and living quarters. Long trouble-free service life has made centrifugal pumps acceptable for industrial uses or wherever clean or contaminated liquid compatible with bronze is to be transferred or handled.
The 81PB centrifugal pump has an external ball bearing isolated from the liquid being pumped. The ball bearing is greased and sealed for life, requiring no maintenance.
- All Bronze
- Mechanical Face type seal
- Fluoroelastomer (S10) or Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) (S11) Seal options available
- Heavy duty ball bearings-designed for Pulley drive applications
- Stainless steel shaft
- Field convertible to Close coupled unit using standard keyed shaft “C” flange motor
- May be operated in the horizontal or vertical position
- Max Flow: 95 GPM – 359.61 LPM
- Max Pressure: 42.5 PSI – 2.93 bar
The pedestal centrifugal pumps can be direct driven by electric motors at either 3450 R.P.M. or 1725 R.P.M. Performance for both speeds are shown in the curves above. The 81PB pedestal centrifugal pump can be pulley driven at any desired intermediate speed.
Because of the centrifugal pump impeller and body design, rotation must be as shown in the dimension diagram. Standard factory rotation is clockwise facing the pump shaft. If the pump is driven in the opposite direction it will pump only a very small amount.
Bronze pumps are suitable for most common liquids in the PH-range from 4 to 11. The temperature limit for bronze pumps is 212°F, higher temperatures are possible with Fluoroelastomer or Chemlon seals. If in doubt, consult with factory. Because centrifugal pumps are more efficient at higher shaft speeds, pumping of viscous or thick liquids is difficult. It is possible to lose as much as 40% pump performance when attempting to pump liquids of viscosity equal to S.A.E. 30 oil at room temperature. S.A.E. 30 oil at room temperature has a viscosity of 2000 Saybolt Seconds Universal. More viscous liquids are not recommended for centrifugal pumps.
Because centrifugal pumps are more efficient at higher shaft speeds, pumping of viscous or thick liquids is difficult. It is possible to lose as much as 40% pump performance when attempting to pump liquids of viscosity equal to S.A.E. 30 oil at room temperature. S.A.E. 30 oil at room temperature has a viscosity of 2000 Saybolt Seconds Universal. More viscous liquids are not recommended for centrifugal pumps. Heavy liquids can be pumped; however, they demand more horsepower in direct ratio to the weight of water. For example, carbon tetrachloride has a specific gravity of 1.6 which means it is 1.6 times heavier than water and horsepower required is 1.6 times water horsepower.
Pump No. HP at 3450 RPM Material
This centrifugal pump is not self priming. Normally these pumps must be installed below the liquid level so that the liquid flows to the pump by gravity. However, if a foot valve is used at the beginning of the suction line and all air is bled from the suction line and pump by careful manual priming, these pumps will lift liquid on the suction side up to 15 feet. Such a system is only as positive as the ability of the foot valve to seal and keep the suction line and pump full of liquid. If the foot valve should leak, the pump will not prime.

Centrifugal Pump – 820B
This close coupled centrifugal pump uses a mechanical type shaft seal with a Nitrile rubber element. It is suitable for water, oils, and some mild solvents. It is limited to 212o F. Fluoroelastomer seals and polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) seals are available for severe solvents, difficult chemicals, and elevated temperatures. The impeller is attached directly to the motor shaft. This pump can handle small impurities in the liquid. The flow of a centrifugal pump can be conveniently controlled by a throttling valve in the discharge line without the need for a relief valve. In centrifugal pumps, the horsepower demand will decrease as the pressure increases. Maximum horsepower occurs with a wide open discharge.
- Bronze Construction
- Stainless Steel Shaft
- Carbon Face Mechanical Pump Seals – Nitrile STD
- Fluoroelastomer (S10) or Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) (S11) Pump Seals Available for Solvent Transfer
- Field convertible to pedestal drive model
- Will Handle Contaminated Liquids
- Extremely Quiet
- Pump-heads only easily field mounted to standard footless “C” flange motors
- Keyless impeller option (820B-07)
- O-Ring housing seal eliminates gasket problems
- Max Flow: 52.5 GPM – 198.73 LPM
- Max Pressure: 102 PSI – 7 bar
This close-coupled pump uses a standard NEMA 56C motor with no base. Single phase motors are non-reversible and are wired for the proper pump rotation which is counter-clockwise looking at inlet end of pump. See the dimensional drawing. Three phase motors must be checked out for proper rotation when pump is installed. Interchanging of any 2 wires in a 3-phase system will reverse motor rotation.
The special pump alloys used provide corrosion resistance to many liquids including water, water solutions, and a wide range of commercial chemicals. Questions as to the chemical compatibility of special liquids should be referred to the factory.
Viscous liquids with a maximum viscosity of 2000 Saybolt Seconds Universal can be pumped. However, when pumping viscous liquids as compared with water, a reduction in flow and pressure occurs and the required horsepower rate increases.
Liquids heavier than water require additional horsepower in direct proportion to the increase in specific gravity. Liquids contaminated with small solids or abrasives can be handled, but a reduction in mechanical seal life must be expected. The pump uses a mechanical type shaft seal with a Nitrile rubber element. It is suitable for water, oils, and some mild solvents and it is limited to 212°F. Fluoroelastomer seals and Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) seals are available for severe solvents, difficult chemicals, and elevated temperatures.
These centrifugal pumps are not self-priming. They must be installed below the liquid level so that the liquid flows to the pump by gravity (flooded suction). However, if a foot valve is used at the beginning of the suction line, and all air is bled from the pump by manual priming, the pump will lift on the suction side up to 15 feet. Such a system relies entirely on the non-leaking foot valve for starting capability.

Centrifugal Pump – 83PB
Oberdorfer™ centrifugal pumps have a single rotating metal impeller. Liquid enters at the center and is thrown outward radically by centrifugal force. The impeller is not in contact with other pump parts resulting in quiet, efficient, pumping action. The flow produced is not positive which permits the discharge line to be shut off completely without danger of overloading motors or bursting lines. Consequently a relief valve is not required.
The liquid flow varies directly as the pump speed–the higher the speed the greater the flow. Horsepower required varies directly as flow and pressure. Maximum horsepower is required with a wide-open discharge line. This is the point of maximum flow. With a throttled discharge, the flow decreases at a greater rate than the pressure increases thereby requiring less horsepower at the higher pressures. This is known as an “unloading” feature of the pump.
Silent, efficient, centrifugal pumping is ideal for convenient equipment location in offices, laboratories, public areas, and living quarters. Long trouble-free service life has made centrifugal pumps acceptable for industrial uses or wherever clean or contaminated liquid compatible with bronze is to be transferred or handled.
The 83PB centrifugal pump has an external ball bearing isolated from the liquid being pumped. The ball bearing is greased and sealed for life, requiring no maintenance.
- All Bronze
- Mechanical Face Type Seal
- Fluoroelastomer (S10) or Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) (S11) Seals Available on Special Order
- Heavy Duty Ball Bearings – Designed for Pulley
- Drive Applications
- Stainless Steel Shaft
- Field Convertible to Close Coupled Unit Using
- Standard Keyed Shaft “C” Flange Motor
- May Be Operated with the Shaft Horizontal or Vertical
- Max Flow: 100 GPM – 378.54 LPM
- Max Pressure: 55 PSI – 3.8 bar
The pedestal centrifugal pumps can be direct driven by electric motors at either 3450 R.P.M. or 1725 R.P.M. Performance for both speeds are shown in the curves above. The 83PB pedestal centrifugal pump can be pulley driven at any desired intermediate speed.
Because of the centrifugal pump impeller and body design, rotation must be as shown in the dimension diagram. Standard factory rotation is clockwise facing the pump shaft. If the pump is driven in the opposite direction it will pump only a very small amount.
Bronze pumps are suitable for most common liquids in the PH-range from 4 to 11. The temperature limit for bronze pumps is 212°F, higher temperatures are possible with fluoroelastomer or Chemlon seals. If in doubt, consult with factory. Because centrifugal pumps are more efficient at higher shaft speeds, pumping of viscous or thick liquids is difficult. It is possible to lose as much as 40% pump performance when attempting to pump liquids of viscosity equal to S.A.E. 30 oil at room temperature. S.A.E. 30 oil at room temperature has a viscosity of 2000 Saybolt Seconds Universal. More viscous liquids are not recommended for centrifugal pumps.
Because centrifugal pumps are more efficient at higher shaft speeds, pumping of viscous or thick liquids is difficult. It is possible to lose as much as 40% pump performance when attempting to pump liquids of viscosity equal to S.A.E. 30 oil at room temperature. S.A.E. 30 oil at room temperature has a viscosity of 2000 Saybolt Seconds Universal. More viscous liquids are not recommended for centrifugal pumps. Heavy liquids can be pumped; however, they demand more horsepower in direct ratio to the weight of water. For example, carbon tetrachloride has a specific gravity of 1.6 which means it is 1.6 times heavier than water and horsepower required is 1.6 times water horsepower.
Bronze pumps are suitable for most common liquids in the PH range from 4 to 11. The temperature limit for bronze pumps is 212°F, higher temperatures are possible with Fluoroelastomer or Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) seals.
This centrifugal pump is not self priming. Normally these pumps must be installed below the liquid level so that the liquid flows to the pump by gravity. However, if a foot valve is used at the beginning of the suction line and all air is bled from the suction line and pump by careful manual priming, these pumps will lift liquid on the suction side up to 15 feet. Such a system is only as positive as the ability of the foot valve to seal and keep the suction line and pump full of liquid. If the foot valve should leak, the pump will not prime.
High Flow up to 397 LPM

Centrifugal Pump – 119
Oberdorfer™ centrifugal pumps have a single rotating metal impeller. Liquid enters at the center and is thrown outward radically by centrifugal force. The impeller is not in contact with other pump parts resulting in quiet, efficient, pumping action. The flow produced is not positive which permits the discharge line to be shut off completely without danger of overloading motors or bursting lines. Consequently a relief valve is not required. The liquid flow varies directly as the pump speed-the higher the speed the greater the flow. Horsepower required varies directly as flow and pressure. Maximum horsepower is required with a wide open discharge line. This is the point of maximum flow. With a throttled discharge, the flow decreased at a greater rate than the pressure increases hereby requiring less horsepower at the higher pressures. This is known as an “unloading” feature of the pump.
Silent, efficient, centrifugal pumping is ideal for convenient equipment location in offices, laboratories, public areas, and living quarters. Long trouble-free service life has made centrifugal pumps acceptable for industrial uses or wherever clean or contaminated liquid is to be transferred or handled.
- Rugged Bronze Construction
- Quiet Operation
- O-Ring housing seal eliminates gasket problems
- Mechanical Seal Nitrile- standard; fluoroelastomer (S10) optional
- Designed for Pulley Drive
- Stainless Steel Shaft is Standard
- Nickel Alloy Shaft (119MP-01) optional
- Independent Sealed Ball bearings
- No Bearing Lubrication required- the ball bearings are grease sealed for life requiring no maintenance
- Handles contaminated liquids
- Discharge port orientation flexibility – 8 positions
- Max Flow: 105 GPM – 397.47 LPM
- Max Pressure: 40 PSI – 2.76 BAR
The pedestal centrifugal pumps can be direct driven by electric motors at either 3450 R.P.M. or 1725 R.P.M. Performance for both speeds is listed in the capacity chart above. The 119MB pedestal centrifugal pumps can be pulley driven at any desired intermediate speed.
Bronze pumps are suitable for most common liquids in the PH-range from 4 to 11. The temperature limit for bronze pumps is 212°F, higher temperatures are possible with fluoroelastomer seals. If in doubt, consult factory. Because centrifugal pumps are more efficient at higher shaft speeds, pumping of viscous or thick liquids is difficult. It is possible to lose as much as 40% pump performance when attempting to pump liquids of viscosity equal to S.A.E. 30 oil at room temperature. S.A.E. 30 oil at room temperature has a viscosity of 2000 Saybolt Seconds Universal. More viscous liquids are not recommended for centrifugal pumps.
This centrifugal pump is not self priming. Normally these pumps must be installed below the liquid level so that the liquid flows to the pump by gravity. However, if a foot valve is used at the beginning of the suction line and all air is bled from the suction line and pump by careful manual priming, these pumps will lift liquid on the suction side up to 15 feet. Such a system is only as positive as the ability of the foot valve to seal and keep the suction line and pump full of liquid. If the foot valve should leak, the pump will not prime.
Mechanical Shaft Seals have Nitrile rubber components (212°F max) as standard. For temperatures up to 400°F, a fluoroelastomer seal must be selected by adding code S10 to the pump number.

Centrifugal Pump – 70P
Oberdorfer™ centrifugal pumps have a single rotating metal impeller. Liquid enters at the center and is thrown outward radically by centrifugal force. The impeller is not in contact with other pump parts resulting in quiet, efficient, pumping action. The flow produced is not positive which permits the discharge line to be shut off completely without danger of overloading motors or bursting lines. Consequently a relief valve is not required.
The liquid flow varies directly as the pump speed-the higher the speed the greater the flow. Horsepower required varies directly as flow and pressure. Maximum horsepower is required with a wide open discharge line. This is the point of maximum flow. With a throttled discharge, the flow decreases at a greater rate than the pressure increases thereby requiring less horsepower at the higher pressures. This is known as an “unloading” feature of the pump.
Silent, efficient, centrifugal pumping is ideal for convenient equipment location in offices, laboratories, public areas, and living quarters. Long trouble-free service life has made centrifugal pumps acceptable for industrial uses or wherever clean or contaminated liquid compatible with bronze is to be transferred or handled.
The 70P centrifugal pump has an external ball bearing isolated from the liquid being pumped. The ball bearing is greased and sealed for life, requiring no maintenance.
- Rugged Bronze Construction
- Quiet Operation
- O-Ring Housing seal eliminates gasket problems
- Mechanical Seal – Carbon/Ceramic
- NItrile – standard
- Fluoroelastomer (S10) or Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) (S11) – options
- Designed for Pulley Drive
- Heavy Duty Integral Steel Shaft and Ball Bearings
- Handles Contaminated Liquids
- No bearing lubrication required
- For Close Coupled Style, see Model 700
- Max Flow: 105 GPM – 397.47 LPM
- Max Pressure: 40 PSI – 2.76 BAR
The pedestal centrifugal pumps can be direct driven by electric motors at either 3450 R.P.M. or 1725 R.P.M. Performance for both speeds are shown in the curves above. The 70P pedestal centrifugal pump can be pulley driven at any desired intermediate speed.
Bronze pumps are suitable for most common liquids in the PH-range from 4 to 11. The temperature limit for bronze pumps is 212°F, higher temperatures are possible with Fluoroelastomer or Chemlon seals. If in doubt, consult with factory. Because centrifugal pumps are more efficient at higher shaft speeds, pumping of viscous or thick liquids is difficult. It is possible to lose as much as 40% pump performance when attempting to pump liquids of viscosity equal to S.A.E. 30 oil at room temperature. S.A.E. 30 oil at room temperature has a viscosity of 2000 Saybolt Seconds Universal. More viscous liquids are not recommended for centrifugal pumps.
This centrifugal pump is not self priming. Normally these pumps must be installed below the liquid level so that the liquid flows to the pump by gravity. However, if a foot valve is used at the beginning of the suction line and all air is bled from the suction line and pump by careful manual priming, these pumps will lift liquid on the suction side up to 15 feet. Such a system is only as positive as the ability of the foot valve to seal and keep the suction line and pump full of liquid. If the foot valve should leak, the pump will not prime.
Mechanical Shaft Seals have Nitrile rubber components (212°F max) as standard. For temperatures up to 400°F a Fluoroelastomer seal must be selected by adding code S10 to the pump number. To handle strong solvents and chemicals (compatible with bronze), a Chemlon seal (500°F max) must be specified by adding code S11 to the pump number. In most instances, Fluoroelastomer and Chemlon seals are not field interchangeable with the standard Nitrile seals. Call factory for details.

Centrifugal Pump – 815B
This close coupled centrifugal pump uses a mechanical type shaft seal with a Nitrile rubber element. It is suitable for water, oils, and some mild solvents. It is limited to 212o F. fluoroelastomer seals and polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) seals are available for severe solvents, difficult chemicals, and elevated temperatures. The impeller is attached directly to the motor shaft. This pump can handle small impurities in the liquid. The flow of a centrifugal pump can be conveniently controlled by a throttling valve in the discharge line without the need for a relief valve. In centrifugal pumps, the horsepower demand will decrease as the pressure increases. Maximum horsepower occurs with a wide open discharge.
- Bronze Construction
- Stainless Steel Shaft
- Carbon Face Mechanical Pump Seals – Nitrile STD
- fluoroelastomer (S10) or Polytetrafluoroethylene (S11) Pump Seals Available for Solvent Transfer
- Field convertible to pedestal drive model
- Will Handle Contaminated Liquids
- Extremely Quiet
- Pump-heads only easily field mounted to standard footless “C” flange motors
- Keyless impeller option (815B-07)
- O-Ring housing seal eliminates gasket problems
- Hydraulic motor adapter available
- Max Flow: 102 GPM – 386.11 LPM
- Max Pressure: 45 PSI – 3.1 BAR
This close-coupled pump uses a standard NEMA 56C motor with no base. Single phase motors are non-reversible and are wired for the proper pump rotation which is counter-clockwise looking at inlet end of pump. See the dimensional drawing. Three phase motors must be checked out for proper rotation when pump is installed. Interchanging of any 2 wires in a 3-phase system will reverse motor rotation.
The special pump alloys used provide corrosion resistance to many liquids including water, water solutions, and a wide range of commercial chemicals. Questions as to the chemical compatibility of special liquids should be referred to the factory.
Viscous liquids with a maximum viscosity of 2000 Saybolt Seconds Universal can be pumped. However, when pumping viscous liquids as compared with water, a reduction in flow and pressure occurs and the required horsepower rate increases. Liquids heavier than water require additional horsepower in direct proportion to the increase in specific gravity. Liquids contaminated with small solids or abrasives can be handled, but a reduction in mechanical seal life must be expected. The pump uses a mechanical type shaft seal with a nitrile rubber element. It is suitable for water, oils, and some mild solvents and it is limited to 212°F. fluoroelastomer seals and Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) seals are available for severe solvents, difficult chemicals, and elevated temperatures.
These centrifugal pumps are not self-priming. They must be installed below the liquid level so that the liquid flows to the pump by gravity (flooded suction). However, if a foot valve is used at the beginning of the suction line, and all air is bled from the pump by manual priming, the pump will lift on the suction side up to 15 feet. Such a system relies entirely on the non-leaking foot valve for starting capability.

Centrifugal Pump – 82PB
Oberdorfer™ centrifugal pumps have a single rotating metal impeller. Liquid enters at the center and is thrown outward radically by centrifugal force. The impeller is not in contact with other pump parts resulting in quiet, efficient, pumping action. The flow produced is not positive which permits the discharge line to be shut off completely without danger of overloading motors or bursting lines. Consequently a relief valve is not required.
The liquid flow varies directly as the pump speed-the higher the speed the greater the flow. Horsepower required varies directly as flow and pressure. Maximum horsepower is required with a wide open discharge line. This is the point of maximum flow. With a throttled discharge, the flow decreases at a greater rate than the pressure increases thereby requiring less horsepower at the higher pressures. This is known as an “unloading” feature of the pump.
Silent, efficient, centrifugal pumping is ideal for convenient equipment location in offices, laboratories, public areas, and living quarters. Long trouble-free service life has made centrifugal pumps acceptable for industrial uses or wherever clean or contaminated liquid compatible with bronze is to be transferred or handled.
The 82PB centrifugal pump has an external ball bearing isolated from the liquid being pumped. The ball bearing is greased and sealed for life, requiring no maintenance.
- All Bronze
- Mechanical Face Type Seal
- Fluoroelastomer (S10) or Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) (S11) Seals options available
- Heavy Duty Ball Bearings – Designed for Pulley
- Drive Applications
- Stainless Steel Shaft
- Field Convertible to Close Coupled Unit Using
- Standard Keyed Shaft “C” Flange Motor
- May Be Operated with the Shaft Horizontal or Vertical
- Max Flow: 102 GPM – 386.11 LPM
- Max Pressure: 50 PSI – 3.45 BAR
The pedestal centrifugal pumps can be direct driven by electric motors at either 3450 R.P.M. or 1725 R.P.M. Performance for both speeds are shown in the curves above. The 82PB pedestal centrifugal pump can be pulley driven at any desired intermediate speed.
Because of the centrifugal pump impeller and body design, rotation must be as shown in the dimension diagram. Standard factory rotation is clockwise facing the pump shaft. If the pump is driven in the opposite direction it will pump only a very small amount.
Bronze pumps are suitable for most common liquids in the PH-range from 4 to 11. The temperature limit for bronze pumps is 212°F, higher temperatures are possible with fluoroelastomer or Chemlon seals. If in doubt, consult with factory. Because centrifugal pumps are more efficient at higher shaft speeds, pumping of viscous or thick liquids is difficult. It is possible to lose as much as 40% pump performance when attempting to pump liquids of viscosity equal to S.A.E. 30 oil at room temperature. S.A.E. 30 oil at room temperature has a viscosity of 2000 Saybolt Seconds Universal. More viscous liquids are not recommended for centrifugal pumps.
Because centrifugal pumps are more efficient at higher shaft speeds, pumping of viscous or thick liquids is difficult. It is possible to lose as much as 40% pump performance when attempting to pump liquids of viscosity equal to S.A.E. 30 oil at room temperature. S.A.E. 30 oil at room temperature has a viscosity of 2000 Saybolt Seconds Universal. More viscous liquids are not recommended for centrifugal pumps. Heavy liquids can be pumped; however, they demand more horsepower in direct ratio to the weight of water. For example, carbon tetrachloride has a specific gravity of 1.6 which means it is 1.6 times heavier than water and horsepower required is 1.6 times water horsepower.
Bronze pumps are suitable for most common liquids in the PH range from 4 to 11. The temperature limit for bronze pumps is 212°F, higher temperatures are possible with Fluoroelastomer or Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) seals.
This centrifugal pump is not self priming. Normally these pumps must be installed below the liquid level so that the liquid flows to the pump by gravity. However, if a foot valve is used at the beginning of the suction line and all air is bled from the suction line and pump by careful manual priming, these pumps will lift liquid on the suction side up to 15 feet. Such a system is only as positive as the ability of the foot valve to seal and keep the suction line and pump full of liquid. If the foot valve should leak, the pump will not prime.

Centrifugal Pump – 830B
This close coupled centrifugal pump uses a mechanical type shaft seal with a Nitrile rubber element. It is suitable for water, oils, and some mild solvents. It is limited to 212o F. Fluoroelastomer seals and polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) seals are available for severe solvents, difficult chemicals, and elevated temperatures. The impeller is attached directly to the motor shaft. This pump can handle small impurities in the liquid. The flow of a centrifugal pump can be conveniently controlled by a throttling valve in the discharge line without the need for a relief valve. In centrifugal pumps, the horsepower demand will decrease as the pressure increases. Maximum horsepower occurs with a wide open discharge.
- Bronze Construction
- Stainless Steel Shaft
- Carbon Face Mechanical Pump Seals – Nitrile STD
- Fluoroelastomer (S10) or Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) (S11) Pump Seals Available for Solvent Transfer
- Field convertible to pedestal drive model
- Will Handle Contaminated Liquids
- Extremely Quiet
- Pump-heads only easily field mounted to standard footless “C” flange motors
- Keyless impeller option (830B-07)
- Max Flow: 102 GPM – 386.11 LPM
- Max Pressure: 60 PSI – 4.14 BAR
This close-coupled pump uses a standard NEMA 56C motor with no base. Single phase motors are non-reversible and are wired for the proper pump rotation which is counter-clockwise looking at inlet end of pump. See the dimensional drawing. Three phase motors must be checked out for proper rotation when pump is installed. Interchanging of any 2 wires in a 3-phase system will reverse motor rotation.
The special pump alloys used provide corrosion resistance to many liquids including water, water solutions, and a wide range of commercial chemicals. Questions as to the chemical compatibility of special liquids should be referred to the factory.
Viscous liquids with a maximum viscosity of 2000 Saybolt Seconds Universal can be pumped. However, when pumping viscous liquids as compared with water, a reduction in flow and pressure occurs and the required horsepower rate increases.
Liquids heavier than water require additional horsepower in direct proportion to the increase in specific gravity. Liquids contaminated with small solids or abrasives can be handled, but a reduction in mechanical seal life must be expected. The pump uses a mechanical type shaft seal with a Nitrile rubber element. It is suitable for water, oils, and some mild solvents and it is limited to 212°F. Fluoroelastomer seals and Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) seals are available for severe solvents, difficult chemicals, and elevated temperatures.
These centrifugal pumps are not self-priming. They must be installed below the liquid level so that the liquid flows to the pump by gravity (flooded suction). However, if a foot valve is used at the beginning of the suction line, and all air is bled from the pump by manual priming, the pump will lift on the suction side up to 15 feet. Such a system relies entirely on the non-leaking foot valve for starting capability.
What is a Centrifugal Pump?
A centrifugal pump is a rotodynamic pump that uses a rotating impeller to increase the pressure and flow rate of a fluid. Centrifugal pumps are the most common type of pump used to move liquids through a piping system. The fluid enters the pump impeller along or near to the rotating axis and is accelerated by the impeller, flowing radially outward or axially into a diffuser or volute chamber, from where it exits into the downstream piping system.
Centrifugal pumps are most often associated with the radial flow type. However, the term “centrifugal pump” can be used to describe all impeller type rotodynamic pumps including the radial, axial and mixed flow variations.
Oberdorfer Centrifugal pumps are of the single stage and end suction. Models use open vane style and enclosed style impellers. Centrifugals convert driver energy to kinetic energy in a liquid by accelerating it to the outer rim of a revolving impeller. Since the amount of energy given to the liquid corresponds to the velocity at the impeller’s vane tip, the faster the impeller revolves (or the bigger the impeller is), the higher the velocity of the liquid at the vane tip and the greater the energy imparted to the liquid. In comparison to positive displacement devices, centrifugals are quieter and require no relief valve to protect the pumps from pressure build-up.
Application Range
Centrifugals are well suited for thin fluids and normally run at 3450 RPM speed. Because these units have large internal clearances, they can handle small impurities in the fluid. Bronze centrifugals can pump a variety of common fluids in the PH range from 4-11 and are particularly well suited for non-potable water or sea water service. The temperature limit for units equipped with buna seals is 212oF. Solvent handling and higher temperatures are possible with viton or teflon seals. Centrifugals are not well suited for viscous fluids; becoming less efficient with increased viscosities. The product portfolio of over 28 models spans a hydraulic coverage range from 2.2 GPM to 100 GPM with pressures to 58 psi (135 feet).
Pump Driver Mounting
Close Coupled Pump Heads – pump adapters provide the required alignment to C-faced motors.
Impeller Shimming – Since jet pump motor shaft projections can vary, pump heads are provided with impeller shim kits. In general, an air gap of 0.010” to 0.015” is recommended between the rear shroud of the impeller and the motor adapter face. Once the pump casing is mounted, check to be sure that the impeller is not rubbing against the casing. Adjust shimming as needed.
Pedestal Pumps – Some base mount kits designed for use with Oberdorfer Bronze Gear Pumps, may also be adaptable for use with Oberdorfer Pedestal Centrifugal pumps. These kits include baseplate, coupling components, coupling guard, and hardware.
Housings: Oberdorfer Pumps metal pump housings are made of top quality rugged cast bronze or light weight corrosion resistant cast aluminum. Shafts are corrosion resistant stainless steel or Monel.
Bearings: Pedestal Pumps use heavy duty “lubricated for life” ball bearings suitable for pulley loads. Most of the Close Coupled pumps are designed to fit jet pump C-faced motors; relying on the motor bearings to support pump loads.
Seals: Conventional mechanical shaft seals with carbon and ceramic faces are used. A variety of elastomers and seal styles are available. Model 170M uses a lip seal instead. Static housing sealing is accomplished with elastomeric O-ring seals or cellulose gaskets.