Tanaka ECS-3301

The base price of the Tanaka ECS-3301 is $315, or 10% cheaper than its competition.

The peak power output of the ECS-3301 is 1.6 HP, 54% less powerful than the average competitor.

Powerhead Weight
It weighs 7.3 lbs, 3.9 lbs less than a typical chainsaw.

Minimum Chain Bar Length
This model is compatible with bars as short as 12 inches long.

Maximum Chain Bar Length
This model is compatible with bars as long as 14 inches long.



Bar Length (minimum) 12 in
Bar Length (maximum) 14 in
Chain Brake
Vibration Reduction
Adjustable Oil Pump
Automatic Oiler
Safety Certifications EPA
Warranty Two-year commercial use warranty/Three-year consumer use warranty/One-year rental use warranty

Motor & Chain Specs

Chain Pitch 3/8″
Fuel Capacity 7.8 fl oz
Chain Oil Capacity 5.1 fl oz
Gas:Oil Ratio 50:01:00