30530-0xxx Stainless Steel Pedestal Pump

30530 Stainless Steel Pedestal Pump

200 Size Stainless Steel Pedestal Pump


Flow rate: Nominal 54 USgallons/min at 1750rpm
Self-priming from dry up to 5m (16.4ft)
Pressure up to 4.0 bar


Model No.: 30530-0xxx

  • Easy to service and maintain.
  • Will tolerate abrasive wear (this may affect performance – seek advice from your distributer).
  • Handles hard and soft solids without clogging.
  • Non pulsating flow



INDUSTRIAL: Circulating and transferring, velocity-mixing,pumping machine tool coolants, spill return, sumpdrainage, chemicals, pharmaceuticals, soap, liquors, ink,dyes, alcohol, dilute acids, tanning liquors, glycerine,brine, etc.

PHARMACEUTICAL: Processing medicines, lotionsand preparations. Filtering pharmaceutical solutions.Filling line supply pump.

PAPER PROCESSING: Transferring and applyingstarches, sizes, etc. Circulating and processing woodpulp slurries.

FOOD, BEVERAGE & DAIRY: Transfer brines, vinegar,syrups during processing, liquids containing solids insuspension such as chopped tomatoes, nuts, etc.Removal of distillery wort and brewery slop. Processingviscous materials such as peanut butter, mayonnaise,ketchup, honey, etc. (low speed). Pumping whisky, wine,rums, juices and ciders.

AGRICULTURAL: Transferring liquid fertilizers, herbicidesand pesticides.



Body Materials 316 Stainless Steel
Bearing Housing Epoxy coated cast iron
Impeller Neoprene, Nitrile or Viton
Seal Carbon/Ceramic mechanical type,
Optional: Tungsten Carbide/Ceramic hard faced mechanical seal
Seal Elastomer Nitrile or Viton
Bearings Twin single row, ball type
Shaft Material 316 Stainless Steel
Port Type 1 1/2″ NPT Internal
Weight 9.5 (kg)
21 (lb)


4 Models

30530-0001 30530 Stainless Steel Pedestal Pump
Impeller Neoprene
Seal Elastomer Nitrile
Seal Carbon/Ceramic mechanical type
30530-0011 30530 Stainless Steel Pedestal Pump
Impeller High Pressure Neoprene
Seal Elastomer Nitrile
Seal Carbon/Ceramic mechanical type
30530-0101 30530 Stainless Steel Pedestal Pump
Impeller Neoprene
Seal Elastomer Nitrile
Seal Tungsten Carbide/Ceramic hard faced mechanical seal
30530-0111 30530 Stainless Steel Pedestal Pump
Impeller High Pressure Neoprene
Seal Elastomer Nitrile
Seal Tungsten Carbide/Ceramic hard faced mechanical seal


 Technical Datasheet